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Heritage: Coconut Rope

Heritage: Coconut Rope
A Feel exhaustion
Sri Lanka is a very versatile country. I chose this country to create my personal project, which will tell the audience about the preservation of traditions, hard work and the problems inherent in a tropical paradise. The authenticity of Sri Lanka is contaminated by capitalism. Plastic garbage everywhere, inappropriate advertising comes from the 90s. Poverty borders on luxury. Most of the southern population of the island prefers to work with tourists. They provide any kind of service, starting with moto rickshaws and ending with the sale of cocaine on the beaches. The economy is highly dependent on tourism. Hot weather contributes to this. Except for a few months in the year when it rains. The number of tourists has decreased significantly due to the terrorist attacks on Easter. It caused great damage to the economy. I left Sri Lanka week before the explosions ...
Among a large number of sellers and other realtors of real estate in Sri Lanka there are people engaged in heavy crafts. Working in difficult conditions, they receive little money, but their products are always relevant and of high quality. I will start the Heritage series with people who are engaged in weaving rope from coconuts on equipment that is more than 100 years old.

Chapter 1.
With high temperature and humidity, they are literally withered. Heartbeats can be seen through the ribs. By 9 o'clock in the morning the temperature had reached 35 °C. There is not the slightest flow of fresh wind under a hot roof in an enclosed space.

  At the end of the shoot, I gave them tobacco and money. After all, they have lost time, and therefore their products.
Chapter 2.
The nuts are soaked in water for several months, then the fibers are combed out and dried. According to old technologies, they produce very high-quality networks from coconut ropes. They are used from fishing to construction. The rope does not absorb moisture at all and is resistant to salt water.
After shooting, I gifted them with tobacco and gave some money. They lost time and production.
This is the big boss. This equipment is non-state, it is located on a private territory.
At the time of arrival in Sri Lanka, I did not have any plan. Find artisans is not easy at all. Everything is hidden under a layer of infrastructure for tourism. Once I met a local guy on the beach. He shot the coastal cliffs. Pradeep knew English well, as it turned out also German. Making friends, he helped me find locations and assist in project photoshoot's.The help in overcoming the language barrier between me and the workers turned out to be very valuable.
Workers are usually religious and conservative. They tend to preserve the traditions and cultural values, appreciate the opportunity to earn honest money. The guys were very shy and timid. They were as open and friendly as possible. Despite this, feel exhaustion was visible through laughter and smiles.
Heritage: Coconut Rope


Heritage: Coconut Rope

Sri Lanka. Coconut rope Production. Authentic artisans weave ropes on the old equipment.
